Sunday, December 16, 2007

Mail Moves America Launches Website

Mail Moves America, the coalition of postal and printing industry organizations fighting efforts to establish Do Not Mail registries, has created a new website. It’s got lots of good information on the Do Not Mail issue. Check it out here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was at the Mail Moves America (MMA) website recently and I could see a lot of opposition to anti-junk legislation. Based on what I read, I don't think MMA understands the public point of view when it comes to junk mail. All the public wants is a way to control what they receive in their mailbox. Junk mail works for some but not for others. Give the public a way to better regulate what they receive and there wouldn't be a need for government intrusion into this matter.
I started a project with my local high school a few years ago that serves the public relatively well. I'm looking to expand the project and that is how I came across MMA's website.
What I do is collect information about catalogs and magazines that are being mailed out but are not being used, or the recipients just doesn't want to receive them. I collect this information from the public online at no cost to them. I take the information from my database and have the high school kids go through the process of contacting the companies and telling them their magazine is not wanted.
This process works but it is very slow. If DMA could move this process faster, it would be a win for the public and a win for DMA.
I would like to be able to electronically send you the data I gather in a file. I will even format the file any way you would prefer to receive it. The data I collect comes from all over the country and I don't know the logistics of how direct marketing works but I'm sure there is a way my data can be used to help streamline the catalog and magazine flow. The public has shown me that they will support this type of system.
The process can be bi-directional as well, that is, when the public wants to request a magazine, they can enter their information on line and that data can be sent to the proper location.
The process of having the kids call around is very tedious and I'm looking for a better way to solve the problem and prevent waste.

Thanks for your time in reading this. Please share your thoughts.

Anthony Johnson